… in Nordrhein-Westphalia, cause we have closer the Altes Land in Hamburg but better acces to the area surrounding Detmold, as you might have seen already.
So Micha’s grandpa had 5 apple trees, and this year was amazing for apple picking, they were FULL of apples. Over production… and i always had wanted to pic apples, as for me fuits are better when taken directly from the trees, and i’m not used to apple trees at all so this experience had it all. The hype was palpable. We were 3 hours in the morning and 2 after lunch for a total of around 142kg of apples!
It was a massive amount of apples! And what do you do with so many apples, would you ask?… well… see it yourselves!
I repeat this a lot, and is that i used to hate apples. This foamy-barely sweet huge nonse fruit for christmas in my country. No thanks. But then i tasted this ones… is like having branches full of sweet beautiful dessert to eat as you please. HEAVEN. And we made Micha’s grandpa really happy so was a really nice day 🙂 and week… and everything cause who knows when are we gonna run short of apples. I hope never 😀